07 July 2019

What's More Important?

Your Ego or Your People?


What's the purpose of the pro-White movement? What are we doing this for? Why are we pro-White? What kind of new civilization, new era, are we trying to bring about?

Is the purpose of the pro-White movement to bring about a civilization built on a foundation of egotism? Of narcissism? Of self-obsession and self-worship?

If so, then there is absolutely nothing healthy, positive, or good about the pro-White movement.


Our race is greater than any one person. Our purpose is greater than anyone's ego. Our mission is greater than anyone's childish lust for attention.

The pro-White movement doesn't exist to serve you. The movement exists to serve our race, to serve the future of our race, to serve the development of higher culture and civilization of our race.

And you, as a pro-White individual, exist to serve the mission of the pro-White movement.


The future of our race depends on our people being good people. It depends on our people becoming noble, honorable, and respectable.

The future of our race does not depend on self-worshiping narcissists who lust after attention. Your lust for feeling special is not the meaning of the White race, the pro-White movement, or the collective racial destiny of our people.

People can be as physically fit or as sexually desirable as they want, but that doesn't make them good people. Superficial external appearances are just that: superficial. Anyone can paint their self however they want, but that doesn't mean they're actually a good person who is capable of contributing to a high-culture pro-White society.


White people, especially pro-White White people, have to get their priorities in order.

What's more important to you: the collective destiny of the White race, or your precious little need for attention? Honestly, what's more important to you?

You decide what's more important to you: your race or your ego.

Serving your ego might bring you personally a satisfying life, but it will do absolutely NOTHING for the future generations of our race.


So you decide: Serve your lust for attention, or set your ego aside and serve the racial and cultural destiny of your people.

I love you, guys. I want you to be individuals that others can truly be proud of. I want you to become the change this world needs. I want the best possible future for you, your families, and your future generations.

And it all begins with the building of the highest quality of character as possible. Only a high and noble character can build a high and noble culture and civilization.

Further reading: Self-Obsession: A Disease - https://natureandrace.blogspot.com/2018/11/self-obsession-disease.html

03 July 2019

Assemblage of My Twitter Posts

From my Twitter account Racial Consciousness


The Divine Creator of the entire universe wouldn't accidentally create multiple races if race didn't matter.

Each race is different. And each race serves a different purpose in the natural order of life.

It is a crime against humanity to deny the importance of racial differences.

- 21 June 2019

Dilution of the blood reduces the potential of the race.

The potential for culture and creative expression.

Dilution of the blood not only limits the good qualities of the race, it also allows harmful qualities to enter.

Nature produced the blood pure. Purity is Nature's way.

- 11 June 2019

A race's instincts are somewhat like an inherent philosophy.

A blood-philosophy.

The White race's blood-philosophy is to be in harmony with Nature.

It is a spiritual bond to the natural order, the laws of life.

Whites have a blood-philosophy of higher culture and civilization.

- 14 March 2019

There was once a time when the voice of our soul, transmitted to us through our blood, was one we could understand.

But now that voice comes to us as a foreign language. We've forgotten how to understand it.

We now ache to hear that voice, to understand it clearly.

- 26 October 2018

White people have an inherent need to be out in natural environments.

We grow inwardly unwell if we spend all of our time in unnatural places, surrounded by unnatural constructs.

Out in Nature, White people can finally hear the voice of their own soul.

- 19 August 2018

The White race's passion for exploration and discovery:

We are Nature's consciousness.

Through our eyes Nature takes her first look at herself, and she likes what she sees.

Like looking into a mirror, our compulsion to explore and discover is her desire to see more of herself.

- 9 March 2019

National Socialism is the rebirth of an ancient consciousness. A consciousness that once predominated mankind.

It is the consciousness of Nature and of mankind's adherence to natural law and order.

National Socialism is an organic rebirth of all things: political, philosophical, and spiritual.

- 14 August 2018

The war against Adolf Hitler was a war against the awakening of the White race's collective racial consciousness.

- 6 June 2019

This era seems like senseless chaos, but everything serves a purpose.

In this era the White race is being tested.

Those bloodlines which contain a healthy racial instinct will survive. Those that don't, will not.

Have faith, brothers and sisters. All era's reach a conclusion.

- 30 August 2018

12 May 2019

Mother's Day

A Few Thoughts on My Own Mother

(I originally typed this all out as a thread of tweets, but then decided to just copy and paste it here, so that's why it might seem a bit choppy)



For once I'm going to be entirely human with you, so I hope you don't mind. I'm not trying to be dramatic, nor am I looking for sympathy or attention. I just want to express my feelings for once, rather than just my intellect.

I appreciate you guys letting me externalize some of my feelings with you.


This Mother's Day will be the first that I've ever lived through without my mother. She passed away in the middle of this previous winter. She was the greatest positive influence that I'd had during my young life.

The hardest part now is knowing I'll never get to do anything nice for her ever again.

We grew up poor, but my mother did the best that she could do. This past summer of 2018 She'd just bought her first house. I'd never seen her so happy. And I'd never been more proud of her. She only got to enjoy that house for five months before dying in it. And this breaks my heart.

In those final months I loved nothing more than visiting my mother in her new house. Loading up my tools, making the drive, and spending the day working on her house. She'd finally found a place that was truly her own, and I loved giving back to her by working on her home. She was truly happy in that house.

My mother suffered a lot throughout her short life, and it kills me to know that her joy in life was so short lived. And it kills me to know that I'll never again be able to contribute to her joy in life. It kills me to know that I'll never again feel the joy of seeing her happy.


My mother genuinely gave so much more to this world than it ever gave her in return. And she never complained about it. Not once. If I am at all a stoic man, it's because of whatever part of her that lives on in me. She deserved so much more than she was given in this life.

I love you, my dear mother. You are all that is good in me. I will love you always, and I will never forget you. I hope you knew how much I appreciated just how great of a mother you were to me. Thank you for having been my mother.

Wherever your spirit went, I hope it is well and continuing to do good for others. Caring for people was always your greatest calling in life.

20 April 2019

The Figure

"Although I am unborn, everlasting, and I am Lord of all, I come to my realm of Nature and through my wondrous power I am born. When righteousness is weak and faints, and unrighteousness exults in pride, then my Spirit arises on Earth. For the salvation of those who are good, for the destruction of evil men, for the fulfillment of the kingdom of righteousness, I come to this world in the ages that pass."

- 4:6-4:8, Bhagavad Gita - an ancient Aryan spiritual scripture.

The Figure

Originally written 27 July 2008
Edited and updated 20 April 2019


Out of the darkness there shone a light. From a time of chaos and death there came a figure: a man of order and life. 

In a time when mankind had forgotten Nature’s eternal laws of existence and had lost focus on reality, a man came to remind them of the truth and to show the world a higher kind of civilization. He brought new hopes and new dreams to our world.  

This was a time when mankind was dying. They worshiped material treasures and mediocrity. They cared for nothing beyond the pleasures of their own senses. Lost and wandering closer to the grave, these people did not know the truth.


Out of this cloud-covered darkness and chaos there came a man. This man brought with him the torchlight of the truth, and with a will equal to that of the gods, he set fire to the heavens and his light began to shine upon the earth. 

He came with the knowledge of Natures Eternal Truths. With a voice that roared like the lion he delivered the message of Nature’s Eternal Truth. Like the booming of the thunderclap after the lightning flash, his voice rang throughout the land and forced the dark clouds to give way to his light. 

This man came into this world with a heart that beat for the love of Nature and his people. And after he taught such sacred wisdom to his people, they loved him in return.

His people lived healthier lives by way of the truth, and free of poisons. Their eyes were opened, and never had the world looked better.


But all was not yet finished... 

It appeared that the clouds had parted and his light would shine for eternity and spread to all ends of the earth to forever protect the Eternal Laws of Life. But this was not so. For all around this world there dwelt unnatural people who spoke lies better than He spoke the truth.

Over time these unnatural ones spread their biological toxins to the souls of men who had not yet heard His truth. Those infected by the poison of the unnatural ones rose up and overthrew His light with another black cloud of unnatural disorder and death. They seemingly destroyed all that He had created...

But no one can destroy an idea that is firmly rooted in Eternal Truth.


The light of His Truth is now mere candles, safeguarded by those who have not lost faith in Him. But those candles are numerous, and they await the time when they will once again set the world ablaze in the glory of Nature's eternal light of truth.

The Phoenix always rises, but only from the ashes of ruin.

13 March 2019



Originally published 17 October 2007

Edited and updated 13 March 2019


Racial frustration: we’ve all experienced it.

This frustration often leads even the most kindhearted White people to become angry.

But what do the people of today expect? Our most basic and primal instinct has been telling us that there is something wrong with society today. Deep down, the people's instinct tell them that there is something inherently wrong with multi-racial societies.

But why do we feel that this is wrong? Our schools certainly don't encourage our White youth to take pride in their race, nor do they even attempt to instill a sense of racial identity in them. Yet we still feel as though it is wrong to mix with those who are not of our own race.

Society tells us it is all in our heads. They tell us that we are confused or potentially even mentally ill. So why do we continue to feel so strongly about our race?


We can see that our race stands out when compared to the other races. We see that perhaps our race is more advanced. But they tell us this is not so. They tell us that we are all equal and it's society's fault that there is an achievement gap between the races.

Our young minds, having no formal education on race, have no argument to make. And yet we still feel so convinced that the races are different...

Without any sort of personal racial identity, we go about life with our convictions. We feel so strongly about race, but with no way to defend it. So ignorance turns to anger, frustration, hopelessness, and defeatism.

Mainstream and social medias instill guilt into the bulk of White peoples, those who are not racially aware. Every time a crime is committed against a non-white man pity goes out to a “persecuted” race of people. “Whites are to blame!” says the television man.

And yet still, we cannot let go of what we feel inside...


And now we move on to where we are today.

Today we are pro-Whites of a numerous variety of types. We have searched long and hard to find the truth, and we have found our truth in our sense of racial consciousness and racial identity.

So relieved we feel, because we now have resolution: “We were right!” our hearts shout. We recognize how great our blood is. We recognize how advanced our people are. We learn that our people are in danger of becoming extinct...

We know who we are. We know what is within our blood. No anti-White could change our minds to these facts.


It is unfortunate that our people are too kindhearted, because this, the anti-White, certainly preys on.

The anti-White makes Liberalism seem so wonderful - and in theory it is very appealing to the spirit of White people. They tell us that we should all love one another - White people long to love all beings. They tell us to end all violence - White people love peace. They tell the more able people to support the less able - White people long to help and defend those less able. 

And thus our people sink slowly down into the depths of the abyss of "colorblind" Liberalism. How can we help such lost souls? In truth the majority cannot be helped, for they have lost their racial instinct.

But many of our pro-White brothers and sisters have the heart of a warrior, and become upset when they hear this. The pro-White warrior knows no boundaries. The pro-White warrior feels as though he can save this entire world by himself. This is the passion felt by the pro-White man.

But in truth we cannot save this earth - not now anyway. It will take much time and much effort.

We will save our race one generation at a time. The majority of past generations have given up their racial instincts and therefore they have forfeited their earthly greatness.


It is up to us now to present ourselves as genuine pro-White men and women. It is up to us to gain the attention and interest of our fellow White brothers and sisters.

We will carry ourselves with pride and dignity. We will speak honestly and maturely. We will represent our race in a manner that is worthy of honor and respect.

We will not frighten our own race away. Instead, we will show them what they must one day become. We will show love for our children, and sacrifice all that we have to in order to see them survive.

Our fight began many generations ago and it will continue for centuries to come.

Love your kin more than you hate your enemies.

16 January 2019

Vedic Wisdom: On Race-Mixing

From the Bhagavad Gita:

The destruction of a family destroys its cultural traditions, and when the cultural traditions are no more, unrighteousness overcomes the whole family.

When unrighteous disorder prevails, the women sin and are impure; and when women are not pure there is disorder of castes, social confusion. 

This disorder carries down to hell the family and the destroyers of the family. The spirits of their dead suffer in pain when deprived of the ritual offerings.

Those evil deeds of the destroyers of a family, which cause this social disorder, destroy righteousness of birth and the ancestral traditions. 

- Chapter 1, verses 40-43

From the Laws of Manu:

Men who are so infatuated as to marry women of low caste quickly reduce their families, including the descendants, to the status of non-Aryans.

A man falls when he weds a non-Aryan woman, or when he has a son by her, or when he has any children by her.

An Aryan who climbs into bed with a non-Aryan woman goes to hell; if he begets a son in her, he loses the status of Aryan.

The Ancestors and the gods do not eat the offerings to the gods, to the Ancestors, and to guests that such a man makes with her, and so he does not go to heaven.

No redemption is prescribed for a man who drinks the saliva from the lips of a non-Aryan woman or is tainted by her breath or begets her son.

- Chapter 3, verses 15-19

Continuing from the Laws of Manu:

An unknown man, of no visible caste but born of a defiled woman, and thus no Aryan, may seem to have the form of an Aryan, but he can be discovered by his own innate activities.

Un-Aryan behavior, harshness, cruelty, and habitual failure to perform the rituals are the manifestations in this world indicating that man is born of a defiled womb.

A man born of a bad womb shares his father's character, or his mother's, or both; but he can never suppress his own nature.

A man born of the confusion of wombs, even if he comes from a leading family, will inherit that very character, to a greater or lesser degree.

But the kingdom in which these degraded bastards are born, defiling the castes, quickly perishes, together with the people who live there.

- Chapter 10, verses 57-61

Continuing from the Laws of Manu:

If someone born from an Aryan [man] in a non-Aryan woman produces a child with someone of the higher caste, the lower caste reaches the status of birth of the higher caste after the seventh generation.

Thus a non-Aryan attains the rank of Aryan, and the Aryan sinks to the rank of non-Aryan; and you should know that this can happen to someone born of a ruler, too, or of a commoner.

But if this question should arise: "Which is higher, someone born by chance from an Aryan father in a non-Aryan mother, or from a non-Aryan father in a mother of Aryan caste?"

This is the decision: "Someone born from an Aryan father in a non-Aryan woman may become an Aryan in his qualities; but someone born from a non-Aryan father in an Aryan mother is non-Aryan."

The law has been established: neither of these may undergo the transformative rituals, because the birth of the former is deficient in Aryan characteristics, and the latter is born "against the grain".

Just as good seed, sown in a good field, culminates in a birth, so the son born from an Aryan father in an Aryan mother deserves every transformative ritual.

Some wise men value the seed, others the field, and still others both the seed and the field; but this is the final decision on the subject:

Seed sown in the wrong field perishes right inside it; and a field by itself with no seed also remains barren.

- Chapter 10, verses 64-72

Continuing from the Laws of Manu:

Comparing a non-Aryan who carries out the innate activities of an Aryan and an Aryan who carries out the innate activities of a non-Aryan, the Creator said, "The two are neither equal nor non-equal."

- Chapter 10, verse 73