Your Ego or Your People?
What's the purpose of the pro-White movement? What are we doing this for? Why are we pro-White? What kind of new civilization, new era, are we trying to bring about?
Is the purpose of the pro-White movement to bring about a civilization built on a foundation of egotism? Of narcissism? Of self-obsession and self-worship?
If so, then there is absolutely nothing healthy, positive, or good about the pro-White movement.
Our race is greater than any one person. Our purpose is greater than anyone's ego. Our mission is greater than anyone's childish lust for attention.
The pro-White movement doesn't exist to serve you. The movement exists to serve our race, to serve the future of our race, to serve the development of higher culture and civilization of our race.
And you, as a pro-White individual, exist to serve the mission of the pro-White movement.
The future of our race depends on our people being good people. It depends on our people becoming noble, honorable, and respectable.
The future of our race does not depend on self-worshiping narcissists who lust after attention. Your lust for feeling special is not the meaning of the White race, the pro-White movement, or the collective racial destiny of our people.
People can be as physically fit or as sexually desirable as they want, but that doesn't make them good people. Superficial external appearances are just that: superficial. Anyone can paint their self however they want, but that doesn't mean they're actually a good person who is capable of contributing to a high-culture pro-White society.
White people, especially pro-White White people, have to get their priorities in order.
What's more important to you: the collective destiny of the White race, or your precious little need for attention? Honestly, what's more important to you?
You decide what's more important to you: your race or your ego.
Serving your ego might bring you personally a satisfying life, but it will do absolutely NOTHING for the future generations of our race.
So you decide: Serve your lust for attention, or set your ego aside and serve the racial and cultural destiny of your people.
I love you, guys. I want you to be individuals that others can truly be proud of. I want you to become the change this world needs. I want the best possible future for you, your families, and your future generations.
And it all begins with the building of the highest quality of character as possible. Only a high and noble character can build a high and noble culture and civilization.
Further reading: Self-Obsession: A Disease -