How Do We End Infighting?
25 December 2020
We've all heard the question asked ad infinitum, and quite likely have asked the question both privately and publicly ourselves. How do we end the infighting within the pro-White community?
First thing's first: People are always going to fight. However, just because you see two people engaged in infighting, that doesn't mean you personally have to participate in it in any way.
The first step, then, is to completely ignore it when you see it. Let it die a natural death.
Most infighting thrives on attention alone. It requires an audience in order to survive at all. So do the one thing you actually have the power to do: starve it to death. Deny it that audience. Deny it the attention it so desperately and pathetically pleads for. Just ignore it, and thus suffocate it to death.
I know, some of you might say that I myself have been guilty of infighting in the past, and you'd be absolutely right. I've been involved in a small handful of infighting episodes, and as a result I've been forced into giving the phenomenon some very real thought over the years.
And in truth, the only time I've ever really participated was when I sincerely believed that the person or people I was combatting were not actual pro-Whites. I've only ever openly fought with those whom I genuinely believed were infiltrators who were attempting to harm our community via way of pretending to be one of us.
Every instance of infighting that I've ever been involved in was motivated by my paternal and fraternal instincts to protect my people.
Before infighting can even begin, someone has to feel that going after someone else is somehow even necessary and worth merit in the first place.
So the question is: When is it truly ever worthwhile to attack one of your own pro-White people?
Who does it benefit when pro-White fights pro-White? ... The answer is that only anti-Whites - of all races - benefit. Not one single pro-White person benefits when pro-Whites fight each other.
Differing opinions do not merit infighting. Just because someone disagrees with you, or just because you disagree with someone else, that doesn't mean either of you are enemies of the pro-White community. It just means you disagree...
You can completely disagree with each other and still remain valuable members of the pro-White community.
It may sound cliché, but the truth is that there really is more that unites us than divides us.
So, so long as we agree with each other on the most important fundamental core aspects of what it means to be pro-White - namely caring about the health and well-being of the White race, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, above all else - then there really is no good reason to bicker, argue, or infight with a fellow pro-White.
Right now we're in a state of ideological competition. And that's alright. We're all just trying to articulate the best pro-White ideology that we can, so that our people may benefit from it.
So let the ideas compete! And may the best ideas win! Because the best ideas mean the most benefit for White people - individually, and the pro-White community as a whole.
But don't view the competition as a hostile battle against other members of the pro-White community. Your competitors all want the same thing that you do: They want what is best for our people - for you and your children, and every generation that comes after them.
So when we compete in this way - detached from the lower, more childish aspects of our ego - we all benefit. No matter who wins, the White race wins. Our people win!
Friendly competition is good. It's healthy, even. Competition is the mechanism by which Nature stimulates the growth of improvement. But when it's between members of our own community, it must remain friendly and mutual. We are not each other's enemies.
So let people's actions reveal whether they're actually pro-White or not.
If they're truly pro-White, they will present their ideas to the ideological competition grounds for the people to accept or reject, to question or criticize; and they will humbly accept the community's verdict.
But if they present their ideas harshly, and attack those whose ideas rival their own, then they have revealed themselves to not actually be pro-White, and are thus a threat to our community. If someone feels threatened by the ideas of others, and thus feels the need to attack them for it, then they are not pro-White. They are pro-self at the very least, and an anti-White infiltrator at the worst.
And so, when we identify one of these potentially anti-White infiltrator threats, what do we do? We do the one thing that we actually have the power to do: We ignore them into oblivion. We starve and suffocate them of the attention they desperately demand. We drive them out of the community simply by pretending that they don't even exist.
We don't like or retweet anything they post. ANYTHING. And we certainly don't comment on it - not even privately in DMs.
In conclusion,
If you can recognize that, despite various trivial ideological differences, we are all pro-White brothers and sisters who put the spiritual and cultural freedom of our race above all else, then there won't be any infighting to begin with. If you recognize pro-Whites with different ideas and philosophies than your own as your brothers and sisters, you won't ever feel compelled to fight with them in the first place.
Ignoring infighting is a team effort. It's something we do silently, but entirely together as a team. And it requires every last one of us working together in this way to succeed.
It may seem impossible when looking at it from this current point in time, but just simply by practicing ignoring infighting whenever it pops up, you'll see that bringing it to a total and complete end is not as impossible as it may currently appear.