20 November 2018

Adolf Hitler on Monetary Value

It would be the saddest sign of decay of a period if the impetus to a higher spiritual achievement lay only in the increased wage. If this criterion had been the sole determination in the world up to now, humanity would never have received its greatest scientific and cultural treasures. For the greatest inventions, the greatest discoveries, the most revolutionary scientific work, the most magnificent monuments of human culture, have not been given to the world through the urge for money. On the contrary, their birth not seldom meant positive renunciation of the earthly happiness of riches. 

It may be that today gold has become the exclusive ruler of life, but the time will come when man will again bow down before a higher god. Many things today owe their existence solely to the longing for money and wealth, but there is very little among them whose non-existence would leave humanity any the poorer.

This, too, is a task of our movement; even now it must herald a day which will give to the individual what he needs for living, but uphold the principle that man does not live exclusively for the sake of material pleasures.

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

(Houghton Mifflin edition, Ralph Manheim translation
2:2, page 436)

17 November 2018

Self-Obsession: A Disease

To Be or Not To Be...


We do not have an infinite amount of time.

The pro-White movement exists because the White race is genuinely in danger.

All across the globe, the White race is collectively facing displacement and replacement in its own nations, as well as being systemically disconnected from its ancestral roots.

All White peoples of the planet are having their histories and traditions removed from their current list of personal values.


Our race, the White race, doesn't have the luxury of being able to treat the pro-White movement like a social club. We don't have the luxury of time.

Our movement is going nowhere because too many individuals involved in it are only here to promote their own ego-rooted desire for attention. So-called "leaders" of so-called "new ideas" exist only to fabricate their own sense of personal value by proclaiming themselves "great" and by demanding that you also see them as great...

They are sickened by vanity. And so long as they are getting the attention they are after, they don't care if the pro-White movement makes any real progress or not. For all they care, the White race could go extinct, so long as they keep getting the attention they are after until the end of their own lifetime.


I promise you, ego will be the downfall of not only the pro-White movement, but of our entire race as a whole.

Until people stop treating the movement as merely a place to socialize and proclaim themselves "great", the movement and our race will continue to be driven closer and closer to extinction.

Sure, it's fun and exciting to be the center of attention on "this" or "that" podcast, but simply being on a podcast isn't a justifiable reason to be full of one's self. And that's usually what happens: people get a little bit of attention and a little bit of praise, and then suddenly they think they're the whole reason why there's anything good in our movement in the first place...

It's a literal sickness.


At some point you have to decide just how important our race is to you.

You have to decide how important the future is. Do you want future White generations to suffer and struggle as minorities in lands that they pioneered and built up from nothing? Do you want Whites to fade away from existence altogether, being reduced to mere myth and legend?...

At some point you have to decide what's more important to you: getting attention and getting laid, or the health and well-being of the White race.

You have to decide: are you willing to squander your own potential and ability to contribute to the greatest struggle the White race has ever faced simply because you like attention and sex?, simply because you enjoy the feeling of being full of yourself?...

Or do you not only want to contribute to the White race's survival, but to a future in which the White race can fulfill it's greatest potential for culture and civilization and reach the conclusion of its racial destiny?


The choice is yours, White people.

Some magical savior isn't going to drop from the sky and save the world...all while at the same time you're running around chasing and gathering reasons to justify being full of yourself.

Our race can only be saved if those in the pro-White movement start taking our global crisis seriously and stop treating the movement as a social club and a hookup service.


Basically, you have to ask yourself why you're even here in the pro-White movement in the first place.

And you have to answer yourself honestly.

If you're here because you want to feel special about yourself and to promote how special you think you are, then you're not an asset to the movement. You don't care about our race - you only care about yourself.

You are not going to help our race by being obsessed with yourself. You're not going to help our race by proclaiming yourself great to every last little person who will listen to you.

If you aren't here because you love our race more than you love yourself, then you are part of the problem.


Be worthy of that better world you want to forge for future White generations.

08 November 2018

Thoughts from Years Lost

On Self-Awareness and Self-Control

8 November 2018


I often think back to a time when I was homeless...utterly homeless.

The kinds of feelings I experienced during those years were something I could have never prepared for, something that I could not have ever expected. And so I had to learn how to make sense of those feelings and to manage them so that they didn't destroy me.


When you're homeless you have an unbelievable amount of free time on your hands. And when you have nothing to do, no work or purpose or routine to keep your mind distracted, you spend a lot of time alone with your own thoughts and feelings. And since being homeless is a purely negative and miserable experience, that alone-time with those thoughts and feelings can render a person completely toxic in a very short amount of time.

One of the things I enjoyed doing most with all of my free time during those years of homeless existence was to sit on a small hill in the city, behind my favorite grocery store, and watch people come and go. Normal healthy people, going about their normal healthy lives. And I would envision myself one day doing the same: pulling into the parking lot on a bright and beautiful summer day, getting out of my car, heading into the store, and casually taking my time browsing all of the aisles for food that I wanted to enjoy. I imagined a normal healthy life. I watched those people come and go, and I told myself that one day that would be me.

Everything I did in those years was with intent to overcome the condition. I didn't want to be homeless, so I set my mind on a vision of the future, a vision of myself living the normal and healthy life that I wanted to live. Living in the moment wasn't an option, because the moment was toxic.


You always have choices in life, even when living on the street with absolutely no money, no job, no home, no friends or family. But most people, including people who aren't suffering from any actual serious struggle, like to act as if they have none. They want an excuse to be miserable and to take their misery out on others...others who had absolutely nothing to do with their misery.

When I look back on those most painful years of my life, I think about some key moments that have changed my mode of mind forever. One key moment was incredibly simple, seemingly benign, one that virtually everyone experiences so often that they don't even think about it. In this moment I learned that even those with the least amount of options still have choices to make. And I learned that one can choose a higher road even when one is feeling their lowest.

As I mentioned before: when you're truly homeless you have virtually nothing to do...and this is what gets most homeless people into trouble. One of the things I did in order to give myself something to do everyday was to keep myself hungry: I would never stock up or store food. I made sure that I needed to get up and to venture out and around. I daily shopped for food (with what little the state offered in food assistance). Shopping for food was part of my daily routine - a routine that added normalcy to my life and kept me from sinking into the depths of my condition. And I always shopped at places I loved, places that made me feel happy and healthy and normal, places that reminded me of a time when I was a normal person like everyone else.

It was during one of these routine daily shopping excursions that I experienced the above-mentioned moment that forever altered the way my mind works. I can't say for exactly how long I'd been homeless at this point. Part of me feels like it might have only been several months, but another part of me feels like it was just over a year...most likely because it's an experience that happened often and one that was constantly conscious in my mind. Either way, it doesn't matter when it happened. What matters is what happened... 

I remember feeling utterly exhausted. The days and weeks had been adding up, and hopelessness was setting in. I was reaching the point where I sincerely believed that I was going to die a homeless man, never again experiencing a life that included a place to call my own, a routine that I alone chose. I had gone to the grocery store like any other day, got one or two little things that I could afford, and waited in line at the checkout. When I got to the register the cashier did what all cashiers do: she asked me how I was doing that day. I responded almost instantly, as most people do, but the time between when she asked me how I was and when I responded seemed to be a much greater length of time. Time seemed to stand still in my mind as I sorted out things that I had never before been conscious of.

She asked me how I was doing that day, and in that moment I realized two things: 1) I have a choice in how I respond to her, and 2) How I respond to her will have an effect on her. I chose to lie.


In my mind in that moment I saw concepts I'd never before given any thought to. Prior to that I had been as selfishly self-focused, self-absorbed as anyone else. But suffering for prolonged periods of time has a way of changing people...in body, mind, and spirit.

In that moment I suddenly realized that my feelings weren't the only feelings in the world. Others had feelings of their own. And my feelings had the potential of negatively impacting those around me.

In my mind I immediately recognized that she was happy, and since I hadn't been happy in a great length of time I immediately cherished her happiness and developed an urge to protect it. For all I know she didn't even give much thought to the fact that she was happy, but in my consciousness all I could see was her happiness, and it seemed to me to be the meaning of life. I literally wanted to protect her from how horrible I was feeling inside. So I lied. I smiled at her, with my eyes as casually bright as I could make them, and told her that I was having a great day. I was trying to sustain her happiness and even increase it if I could.

She really did seem to be having an exceptionally good day at work, and I sincerely did not want to take that from her. I felt like hell about my own life, but that wasn't her fault. And I'd be damned if I was going to bring her down just because my life was at an all-time low.

It was in that moment that I realized that you can choose, in your actions, how you respond to your feelings. I could have been completely honest with her. I could have told her how horrible I'd felt after weeks and months of being homeless. I could have interrupted her happiness with my misery...hell, she probably would have felt sympathetic toward me and given me money...she certainly seemed kind and caring enough. But I chose to protect her from myself, because it wasn't her fault that I was homeless and tired and hungry and miserable. She was a good person. She was innocent. And she deserved to feel happy.

In that moment I found happiness in knowing that not everyone was suffering like I was. I was genuinely happy for her happiness. And so it was my obligation to contain my negativity and not let it affect innocent people.


Again, most people act like they don't have a choice. They act like they have no control over their own thoughts, words, or actions. And they come up with any excuse they can to justify why they don't do the right thing.

In that moment I knew that I would never allow myself to be one of those selfish creatures who, consciously or unconsciously, consider themselves to be more important than everyone else...one of those people who believes that everyone should care about their precious little feelings.

It was over the course of those years of suffering and struggle that I realized there is absolutely no law anywhere in the universe that says people have to care about you. They don't, plain and simple. No one is obligated to care about you...EVER. So if you want to be cared about, you first have to be worthy of that care: You have to care about others, regardless of what you're going through.


The point of all of this rambling and babbling is this: No matter what you may be feeling, you alone decide what thoughts enter your head, what words come out of your mouth, and what actions your body carries out. You can't control how you feel, that much is absolute. But you have complete and utter control over how you respond to your feelings. Your thoughts, words, and actions are your CHOICE.

You ALWAYS have a choice in life, even when you have very little else. So always choose right-action, no matter what kind of suffering or struggle you may be experiencing. You are not the center of the universe. Your feelings are not more important than anyone else's. Everyone has their own feelings to concern themselves with, and they are not in any way obligated to care about yours.

Take control of yourself. Take control of your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Because if you don't, then your emotions will take that control...and your life will not be the better for it.

You are a community species, and the community only benefits when you put the well-being of the people above your own ego and emotions. The community shouldn't have to suffer just because selfish individuals are suffering. If you want people to care about you, then you must first be worthy of their care. You must first care about them.

18 October 2018

The Collective Racial Immune System

The Collective Racial Immune System

18 October 2018

Last edited and updated 1 July 2019


You, individually, are the product of your parents.

Everything, collectively, is the product of Nature.

In the same way that you inherit the qualities of your parents, so too do you inherit the qualities of Nature, of the natural order.


The microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and the macrocosm reflects the microcosm.

Since everything is the product of Nature, everything contains similar qualities.

Thus there are some rules and laws which are universal and eternal. One such rule/law is that if any given faculty of a living being isn't put to use - if it isn't sufficiently exercised - it atrophies, it grows weak, it breaks down, and it fails to function properly.


The immune system is one such faculty. It, just like the body and the brain, needs to be exercised in order to stay strong and healthy and to maintain peak performance.

If the immune system doesn't engage hostile infections from time to time, it won't be sufficiently exercised. It will grow weak. It will break down. And it will malfunction.


Just as the individual person has an immune system, so too does the race as a whole have a collective racial immune system.

The purpose of the collective racial immune system is to protect the greater racial body from sickness. Those sicknesses from which our racial immune system is supposed to protect us are primarily the influences of races different from - and potentially hostile to - our own.


For too many thousands of years the White race sat on the world-throne. Militarily speaking, not one single non-white race posed any real threat. Whites had conquered virtually all of the known world and found no real military challenges in any non-white races of foreign lands.

But Whites are a warrior people, so battle must continue. And battle did continue.

Because there were no non-white racial threats from the outside, Whites slowly stopped seeing each other as a collective racial entity. Nations formed, and the White race ceased to be a collective entity: it became different empires, nations, and cultures.

And with this more relaxed sense of racial consciousness, the White race began seeing it worthy to go to war with itself: empire against empire, nation against nation, culture against culture. White man against White man.


After too many thousands of years of having no one posing any real threat to our race from the outside - and after too many thousands of years of Whites going to war against other Whites - our collective racial immune system has grown weak. It has broken down. And it is malfunctioning.

Today, our race is deeply infected by the influences of races that are not only not our own, but races that are outright hostile to our own race. Especially one race in particular which has managed to pass itself off as one of our race...all while maintaining its own sense of racial consciousness.

The White race, as a whole, is suffering from a collective racial immune deficiency syndrome. It's simply too weak to repel the viruses and germs of foreign and hostile non-white influence. And as a result, the White race has seemingly grown terminally ill.


And beyond there being an immune deficiency syndrome, there also seems to be an autoimmune condition taking place: Our own people simply cannot get enough of fighting each other.

Our own people turn on each other more often than they fight any hostile non-white threat. Even the most healthy and properly functioning cells of the White race, the pro-White individuals, are afflicted by this collective racial autoimmune condition. They simply cannot figure out how to stop attacking each other, when they really ought to be uniting by any means necessary.


Pro-Whites are our race's last hope for the future. Be they White Separatist, White Nationalist, National Socialist, or anything in between. Pro-Whites have to start seeing the reality that there is infinitely more that unites us than divides us. We have to stop dividing based on stupid little trivial differences. Because if we don't, we won't have anything at all to bicker about, because we'll all be extinct.

Time is limited, White people. Don't waste it by letting your ego and your emotions get in the way of uniting and serving the greater good.

White people, you decide whether our race lives or dies. You alone decide whether or not our race goes into eternal slavery, eternal extinction. Or whether it takes back its collective freedom and its collective racial destiny.

05 July 2018

The Eternal Importance of Art

Art, Beauty, and Inspiration

Originally written 30 December, 2012

Artistry and beauty have a profound impact on human beings, and quite often it has been beautiful, creative expression that has launched social revolution. It takes great inspiration to see clearly the vision of a New Era, and to carry out the march to the dawn of such an era. 

Artistry begets beauty, which in turn gives birth to inspiration. From inspiration we get motivation; and from motivation we get action.

Action born of the line of artistry most often results in a higher form of artistic expression. That is the purpose of the original art: Art is meant to inspire – not inspire mere conversation, but to inspire action. 

Adolf Hitler was an artist – an artist in everything that he did in life. Even his political and governmental actions were carried out in artistic fashion. He was a man inspired by the beauty produced by those who came before him, and his inspiration resulted in the creation of art all his own; which has ever since been admired by and inspired millions. 

The energy that flows through the greatest of men is that of creative energy.

Indeed, civilization itself was Adolf Hitler's canvas; upon which he attempted to paint out his grand-masterpiece.

Some express their art through drawing or painting, through sculpting of wood or stone, through written words, through musical instruments, or through singing or speaking. Adolf Hitler expressed his art through human civilization itself. He assembled culture into beautiful works of art.

02 July 2018

Nature's Consciousness

Some Abstract Thoughts on Nature and Consciousness

Originally written 27 August 2010
Edited and updated 2 July 2018


The living life of a being is conscious: Consciousness of varying degrees depending upon the being. But the spirit, the life-energy, the Force within those beings is unconscious. Conscious actions being so rare in the universe, and unconscious ones being so numerous can lead to no other conclusion.

Nature is not a conscious force, therefore it is not personal. It shapes the universe to its laws as a matter of logical consequence, a matter of impersonal, indifferent fact. Every living and non-living thing is the product of, and subject to, these unconscious laws. These laws can be ignored, but they cannot be changed, overcome, or undone: They are the literal eternal fabric of the universe, of all existence itself.

The forces which have created the universe are unconscious: They exist, we know this, but they cannot be contacted. They cannot be manipulated or convinced to operate in any other manner than that which they are designed to. The laws of physics are eternal: have always been, shall always be.

Physics is always physics, mathematics is mathematics, gravity pulls downward, heat rises, magnetism attracts and repels. And living beings grow hungry, thirsty, and tired. These forces are very real and are very much unconscious.

In living beings, however, the unconscious of the universe begins to awaken.

Nature is an unconscious energy, and yet it is the life-force of us all. But in us Nature wakes up and begins to become aware of itself. Through our eyes the universe takes its first look at itself.

While Nature may be an unconscious force, it has produced consciousness of varying degrees throughout time - seemingly peaking in what we see before us today in our own species. In our own species Nature seems to be striving for a continued increase in higher consciousness - an acceleration and intensification of consciousness. For what reason, we can only speculate. But there is no doubt that Nature has intended for us to be the soil in which it cultivates its crop of consciousness at the current place in time.

Before conscious beings, Nature was always silently sleeping, but now she can see herself and her vast universe. She can see all of her countless dynamics and possibilities that have existed since the dawn of eternity.

We are the conduit of Nature's self-realization.


We are the product of Nature, thus we are Nature, albeit on a microcosmic scale.

Our consciousness is Nature's consciousness. Our thoughts are Nature's thoughts. Our feelings are Nature's feelings. Our words, her words. Our actions, her actions.

Through our conscious, physical, living forms, Nature wakes from unconscious slumber and is able to interact with her own universe: To recognize herself, realize herself, and physically be a part of herself.


We are Nature’s unconscious evolution toward awareness, consciousness, and enlightenment. But in the grand scale of Nature and Time we are just beginning: we are essentially infants. So much growth and refinement is yet needed. The current state of our consciousness is out of order: Misguided, misdirected, and misappropriated. So many misuse their gift of consciousness for self-indulgent purposes that only serve themselves and their own lifetime - all without even being conscious of the fact that they are in fact conscious...

We are the conscious awakening of the forces of the universe. What other purpose should there be than to expand upon our consciousness? What else should we live our lives for than learning, awareness, consciousness, and enlightenment? What purpose could possibly be higher?

Learning, teaching, exploring, being inspired and creating inspiration for others through creative expression: this is the meaning of life. This is the most important reason we came into existence for.


Eternity we must serve, and serve it through the expansion, acceleration, and intensification of consciousness.

18 May 2018

On Meditation: An Introduction

Some Basic Thoughts on Mediation

17 May 2018


One thing I've learned over the last ten years, just from the practice of meditation alone, is that meditation is as natural and as much of a requirement to our species as exercise. Sure, we can live without it, but it's not healthy or natural to not do it.

So you'll find that once you start doing it, it will come naturally. Your body and mind WANT to meditate. And it eventually becomes something you LET your body and mind do, rather than something you MAKE them do.


The basic foundation of meditation is letting go. Don't try to control anything at all, especially not the course of the meditation.

Many people frustrate themselves with meditation because they believe it's all about "clearing and/or quieting the mind". And what virtually everyone discovers upon meditating is that this is virtually IMPOSSIBLE.

Upon beginning to meditate you'll discover that your mind is as loud and active as the monkey house at the zoo. No exaggeration. But that's because most of us come from cultures that no longer incorporate meditation early on in life. We're no longer conditioned to meditate from a young age.

So when you begin meditating, just focus on letting go. Don't fight against anything. Let your mind wander where it may. Don't fight your body, don't fight your mind, don't fight the world. Let the universe do what it's doing, and find your way to understanding that you, yourself, are merely something that the universe is doing.


You are the product of Nature, of the universe. So you are designed and built upon the same principles as Nature itself. This means that your innermost workings, those workings you have absolutely no control over, are always striving to do what's best for you. Hence why you can't stop your own immune system from healing you when you are sick or injured. Nature, by its own nature, only strives to heal and grow. It contains no means of harming itself.

So just sit there and let the energies of the universe do what they do for themselves: Which is correcting and healing itself.

10 April 2018

My Friend, The Waffen SS Soldier (2)

Part Two: More About The War


The first story that Theodor Junker ever shared with me about his years on the Eastern Front, at war with the Russians, was his very first deployment. 

He was originally sent out as a sharp-shooter. I do not know where he was during his first deployment to the front, but what he told me was that his group was approaching a tree line when an unseen enemy shot went off (I do not recall whether or not it injured any of Mr. Junker’s fellow soldiers). They all looked for the enemy sniper, especially where trees grew, as would be most logical, but they were unable to locate him. Theo was sent to the front to have a look since he was the sharp-shooter of his group. But even he was unable to spot the adversary. 

He told his comrade, Wega, to watch him at all costs as he scanned the tree line in front, but a shot came and struck Theo through his left arm and exited out of his back (it was later noted that the bullet missed his heart by less than two inches). Theo then finally figured out where the shot came from, and he scolded his dear Wega for his failure to prevent his wounding. The enemy was actually in a trench, or foxhole of some sort, that was only ten yards from where they'd walked to – no one saw it. So, Theo told Wega to give him cover fire while he took care of the enemy sniper: He ran forth to the mound of earth behind which the enemy was located, and he jumped over the mound and used his bayonet to bring the sniper to his earthly end. He told me that he finished the Russian with a thrust through the neck. He also told me that he was not a Caucasian Russian, but had “slit-eyes” (those were his actual words). 

After his wounding, Mr. Junker was taken from the Front to be treated in a hospital – again, I am not clear on the specific details of where and when and for how long. After he was healed up, he requested to be sent immediately back to the Front, and he was given his wishes. However, Theo was never sent out as a sharp-shooter again: rifles were running low, so his was immediately recirculated back into use by another soldier.


Herr Junker was wounded six times in total, and right off the top of my head I am not able to remember the details of them all. But there is one that I recall that is quite interesting. Herr Junker loved to tell this one:

After Junker’s return to the Front, he always carried around the MP 40, which was a machine pistol; and boy did he ever love that thing! He would tell me “RC, you’ve never seen someone use a weapon like me with my machine pistol!” And I can only imagine... 

Herr Junker was a true soldier: He was neither afraid of battle nor regretful afterward. He enjoyed the thrill of competing with death, and he understood that to kill was only a part of warfare. He was never resentful toward his slain opponents – never once in our years together did he ever say an unkind word about the enemies he faced on the battlefield: He knew that they were all there with a duty just like he was. He always said that he never blamed any army, and that he respected them all because they were all just fighting for what they believed in and what they were told they were fighting for by their governments – even when their governments were lying to them. 

Anyway, to continue with the story, Herr Junker was marching out front of a line of his men one cold winter's night toward a farm (they were looking to hunker down in one of the barns) when he spotted a line of Russians walking in the distance. He said they were all drunk and cheering, so he and his men engaged them in combat: He raised his beloved machine pistol and opened up on the entire line – “…they all died”, he told me. But before they all died, one of them managed to hurl a grenade right at him, and it landed in the snow not more than a couple of yards ahead of him. He had no time to move: it went off, and the force of the blast was concentrated between his legs... Yes, he took a grenade blast to his manhood. 

Once again Herr Junker had to be rushed from the Front, but this time it wasn’t going to be so easy for him. He was losing blood quickly so they had to tie his manhood off at the base (which he told me was hell because he had to urinate, and it was an EIGHT HOUR train ride to the nearest medical facility). Once again, they managed to fix him up. And once again, he demanded placement on the Front. 

* * *

Theo always loves to tell this story because he went on to have four children. He would always finish the story by saying the enemies could never kill him because god had a plan for him, and that it was proven because even a grenade blast between the legs could not stop him from having four children! Gods, did I ever love hearing him tell that story – even if I did hear it a hundred times in five years, lol. 

He would always tell his war stories as if he were still that young man living them right there. And the stories never altered in detail: not one single detail ever changed in his stories from the Front.


Herr Junker’s body was badly scarred up from all of his wartime wounds. His back had a grapefruit sized scar that looked like an inactive volcano from where the sniper round exited his body. His hand was badly damaged: his ring and pinky finger stay close together, and the knuckles of his middle and index fingers are three times the size they should be. But he always talked about his wounds with a bright smile on his face (his face would even glow a bit red). He spent his summers in the back part of the property, bathing in the sun and swimming in the pond, and he displayed his wounds proudly as badges of honor.

* * *

Herr Junker and I did not spend anywhere near the majority of our time discussing the history of his war experiences, so I do not know them all. And in all honesty, I was not as concerned with his war stories as much as I was with just knowing a true, first-generation National Socialist who got to see the grand glory that was National Socialist Germany. I will devote some time to writing about what he told me about the inner workings of the NS German society. I can assure you that it was everything we think it was and then some. It was more glorious than what most of us here may realize.

* * *

It's difficult for most today to imagine the nature of warfare during the World Wars. It's difficult to understand the great degree of daring that was required of men - a sort that isn't a part of modern warfare: Theo, with his beloved machine pistol, would actually jump aboard Russian tanks and fire into the open turret and render entire tanks neutralized. I always believed Mr. Junker about most things, but I was somewhat skeptical about this one – but years later I was shown by a young World War Two enthusiast that, yes, the Waffen SS would literally jump onto Russian tanks and throw grenades inside or shoot the Russians inside in order to stop them. ...Dear gods, I could never imagine doing such a thing... But when the Germans were low on their own tanks, they didn’t turn and run from a tank-fight: they literally went man-to-man with the Russian beasts of steel. 

Theo would tell me about how he climbed on top, dropped the barrel of his MP inside, spun it in a circle with the trigger wide open, and then he would jump off and move on to the next one before the damned thing had even stopped moving. He always laughed humbly. He tried to remain modest about his daring and bravery, but he couldn’t help but exude pride in his courage and experiences. I don’t blame him.


In the second to last Summer I spent with him, Theo revealed to me and several friends a story that he had never shared before. He told me about a time he was in an unused farmhouse – again, on the Eastern Front – with his fellow soldiers, and they noticed a Russian tank stationed around the back side of a barn: It was waiting to ambush any Germans that may be passing through. The young Herr Junker and a comrade had a panzerfaust with them, and they struggled to get the front of it out through a very small window in the attic or some small room at the top of the house. During that time, the Russian soldier keeping watch atop the tank noticed them and had the turret turned to wreak havoc on the house – and it did: It sent a round right into the room where they were. It missed Theo, but it wounded his comrade. The actual massive round must have hit his hand directly because Theo said the hand was completely gone, but there was no blood: the wound had cauterized. He said to me “I’ve never seen such a thing. His whole hand was gone, but there was no blood anywhere.” 

I do not recall the rest of the details of that story. I know he told me the whole thing from beginning to end: why they were headed that way, and what happened afterward, etc., but I just cannot remember that right now.

My Friend, The Waffen SS Soldier (1)

Part One: A Brief Introduction

Originally written 29 July 2013
Edited and updated 10 April 2018

I was fortunate enough to have had a dear friend for some five years who was a retired veteran of the Waffen SS Wiking division: His name was Theodor Junker. He was born in a German village in Romania, and he retired on a small farm in southern Wisconsin. 

From the years of 2005 through 2010 I visited him every weekend.

Theodor Junker
13 April, 1919 - 14 April, 2013


He was a surprisingly humble person, so much so that it humbled you just to be in his presence. He had a quiet tone of voice, yet he was not shy about speaking. He talked a great deal, and talked about a great many number of things. But mostly he loved to talk about Nature, and all of her various forms. Yes, he spoke often of the War, and he spoke often of Adolf Hitler, National-Socialism, and of the Reich. He also spoke of the Jews and the Aryans. But he was far from the Jewish-conjured image of a stereotypical "Nazi." 

Herr Junker loved all things Nature, particularly that which pertained to human health. His primary passion for employment was always farming, agriculture: he raised and sold chickens (mostly for eggs) and pigs mostly. In his later years he raised and sold ducks as a hobby (I can't tell you how ridiculously difficult it is to round up a flock of ducks from a pond with paddle boat and three shirtless yahoos running around flapping their arms, lol). So, naturally, his love of farming eventually translated into a passion for human health: What is the most natural way of human eating. He was also very fond of Nature's "secret" medicines (he literally ate whole cloves of garlic, raw, after he spent years of studying their health benefits).

His love and passion for natural holistic health was also very strongly motivated by the death of his wife, who was taken by cancer.


Theo was always happy, even on a bad day: Nothing ever brought that guy's spirits down. There were times when he would be recounting an age-old story about the War, about the struggles and suffering that he endured on the battlefield of the Eastern Front against the Russian Bolsheviks/Marxists, and he would beam with a youthful joy: the color would rush to his face, he would smile widely, and laugh heartily, and he would glow. His energy was palpable even in his most humble moments. The only time that Theo grew serious was when recounting his years in British captivity after the war, being driven from his village after captivity (the Russians took his village and basically gave it to Jews and Communists - some 17 million Germans were driven from their homes in various countries), or telling of how badly the Russians treated the Germans. 

What would probably surprise people the most was how Theo talked about the Jews - which he did talk about often. He would always tell me (and I mean ALWAYS, lol), in his thick German accent, "Be glad ven you have enemies." That was one of his mottos, and he would elaborate this motto at length, in great detail. He told me that without enemies we become soft, we grow complacent, and he even blamed senility on the absence of mental combat. He said that having opponents keeps you sharp mentally and keeps you young physically. He said that without his anti-NS opponents over the years, he would have been reduced to senility many years ago (I met him when he was 85 or 86 years old). So he literally thanked the Jews for being so vehemently anti-NS: He said that the stronger your enemy is, the greater was your potential for increase of strength: Weak enemies ensured weak people.

He praised the Jews for being such a powerful enemy, because they would guarantee that only the most powerful Aryans would survive, and thus strengthen our people. 

He likened Jews to foxes, not for their cleverness, but simply for their natural place in the grand scheme of life. Since there were always geese on the pond on his property, he would say, "The Jews are like the foxes: they make sure that the geese do not become overpopulated and get sick. If the geese overpopulate, they will get sick, and then possibly all of them will die. But if the foxes catch and kill the weak ones, the flock will remain healthy." He thought that Jews were only a part of Nature, and his sentiments toward them were stoic. However, Theo NEVER, under any circumstances, trusted Jews. Lol, I can still hear him now, talking about them being a race of liars, as casually as one might talk about cows having spots.


Theo Junker built the once-famous Honorary Hall for Adolf Hitler on his farm, which made major headlines in the summer of 2006. Sadly, the powers-that-be put every last ounce of pressure on him to make sure that his dream was crushed before it began: They made it illegal for him to have more than four people on his property at all times - including himself. His property was 120 acres large, and could accommodate thousands, and yet they passed a law saying that he could only have himself and three guests there at any time - including family reunions (any liberal reading this, just try telling me that the system favors neo-"Nazis"...).

For years afterward, whenever I would visit, there would be FBI helicopters that would occasionally fly over the property, lower themselves to the tree line and take the time to count the number of people that they could see. Once during one of these fly-overs, I was taking my friend's two children for a swim in the pond, and I can remember them being rather terrified and just looking at me, with horror in their eyes, wondering what was happening. I told them that it was just people flying over taking pictures of the farm, like lots of people used to do. It was sickening.


Theo was a great guy all around. Things were always casual at his place. Most of my days there with him involved nothing formal or professional. We'd sit in the back on the little sandy beach on the pond that he had paid to have built, our toes in the sand, just yammering about his life in the United States. 

Theo started off as a janitor in Chicago, and saved up to buy the farm in southern Wisconsin. He moved there and had four children. They used the property as a summer camp for other German families (until his wife passed away), and so I heard all kinds of neat little stories about how they spent their time. I heard stories about unique children that he remembered vividly. He told me how within the first week he could tell who the leaders were. He'd say, "In Nature, there vill alvays be two leaders: a good leader and a bad leader. And there vill alvays be two groups of people: those who follow the good leader, and those who follow the bad." He said that he would sit back and watch them, and every year it was the same thing: Two groups of kids would form: the good kids, and the trouble-makers. 

Theo was wounded a total of six times during the war, and some of them severe. He once took a Russian grenade blast directly between his legs. It landed several feet in front of him and went off before he could even run. He then had to take an eight hour train ride to a hospital capable of sewing his manhood back together. He said that they had to tie it off with string, which drove him insane, because for the entire eight hours he had to urinate. It was a nightmare. And yet, the guy managed to have FOUR children. Apparently those German doctors really knew what they were doing. 

Theo would do anything for you if you needed it. I can say with certainty that he was the most generous person I have ever met. He offered strangers the bed of his own room, while he would sleep on his couch. People came from all over the world to visit him, and I was fortunate enough to be there and give tours of the property alongside my dear friend. He would invite them to camp at his place and stay for weeks on end. He always said, "Dis is de best place in de vorld." And if they did want to stay, he'd let them stay in his own home and dine with him at his own table. Many times, while Theo was napping in the afternoon, I would be given the honor of giving the usual tour of the Monument to curious guests. I felt honored that Theo would let me handle the show while he was out of town or napping.


I know this is a bit of an aimless recounting of the years with my friend of the Waffen SS, so I will stop rambling for now. But if anyone has any specific questions, I'd be glad to answer them as thoroughly as I am able.

But I will end this by saying that Theo Junker remained loyal to Adolf Hitler and to National-Socialism until the last time that I saw him in 2010. He never once questioned his years of service in the struggle for Germany against Bolshevism on the Eastern Front, and he never questioned the NS worldview or its immortal Leader. He loved Adolf Hitler dearly and said that he was an SS until he died. Even during the years of threats of violence that ensued after his grand opening of the Adolf Hitler Honorary Hall he never questioned anything. He never feared the countless death threats that poured in daily. He always said, "I'm a soldier. I'll die for this."

27 February 2018

Who is Aryan? An Introduction

An Introduction to Who is Aryan

November 2013

(Edited/Updated 27 February 2018)


Who is Aryan isn't a matter of opinion: it is a matter of historical and biological fact. 

"Aryan" is a word that comes from the ancient and now dead language known as Sanskrit. The word translates into English literally as "noble one", and was the title given to our Ancestors, ancient White-European peoples who had migrated into areas such as Persia and India, because of the nature of their character and behavior - the manner in which they conducted themselves.

Even during battle our Ancestors were reported to have been more noble and honorable, and exercised the highest degree of maturity and discretion. They exercised fair judgement and remained civilized at all times, and never lowered themselves to the standards of the savage peoples that they conquered.


To answer the question directly: An Aryan is anyone of Indo-European racial stock who happens to live by higher standards than basic human beings. "Aryan" denotes a race as well as quality of character. To be Aryan one has to be what we today call "White", and they have to be noble and honorable in addition.

Aryan is not limited to blond or red hair, or to blue or green eyes. Aryan is White-European, no matter where they may have traveled, lived, or settled over the course of the last 35-thousand years. Aryans live in America, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and even in some small regions of Central and South America; as well as areas of Asia and the Middle East.


Aryan means a White person who is noble, honorable, mature, decent, and wholesome. 

Aryan means one who strives for a higher civilization, one as far removed from non-Aryan savagery as earthly possible.

To be Aryan means to better than average, to reject mediocrity. To be Aryan means to rise above primitiveness.