18 October 2018

The Collective Racial Immune System

The Collective Racial Immune System

18 October 2018

Last edited and updated 1 July 2019


You, individually, are the product of your parents.

Everything, collectively, is the product of Nature.

In the same way that you inherit the qualities of your parents, so too do you inherit the qualities of Nature, of the natural order.


The microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and the macrocosm reflects the microcosm.

Since everything is the product of Nature, everything contains similar qualities.

Thus there are some rules and laws which are universal and eternal. One such rule/law is that if any given faculty of a living being isn't put to use - if it isn't sufficiently exercised - it atrophies, it grows weak, it breaks down, and it fails to function properly.


The immune system is one such faculty. It, just like the body and the brain, needs to be exercised in order to stay strong and healthy and to maintain peak performance.

If the immune system doesn't engage hostile infections from time to time, it won't be sufficiently exercised. It will grow weak. It will break down. And it will malfunction.


Just as the individual person has an immune system, so too does the race as a whole have a collective racial immune system.

The purpose of the collective racial immune system is to protect the greater racial body from sickness. Those sicknesses from which our racial immune system is supposed to protect us are primarily the influences of races different from - and potentially hostile to - our own.


For too many thousands of years the White race sat on the world-throne. Militarily speaking, not one single non-white race posed any real threat. Whites had conquered virtually all of the known world and found no real military challenges in any non-white races of foreign lands.

But Whites are a warrior people, so battle must continue. And battle did continue.

Because there were no non-white racial threats from the outside, Whites slowly stopped seeing each other as a collective racial entity. Nations formed, and the White race ceased to be a collective entity: it became different empires, nations, and cultures.

And with this more relaxed sense of racial consciousness, the White race began seeing it worthy to go to war with itself: empire against empire, nation against nation, culture against culture. White man against White man.


After too many thousands of years of having no one posing any real threat to our race from the outside - and after too many thousands of years of Whites going to war against other Whites - our collective racial immune system has grown weak. It has broken down. And it is malfunctioning.

Today, our race is deeply infected by the influences of races that are not only not our own, but races that are outright hostile to our own race. Especially one race in particular which has managed to pass itself off as one of our race...all while maintaining its own sense of racial consciousness.

The White race, as a whole, is suffering from a collective racial immune deficiency syndrome. It's simply too weak to repel the viruses and germs of foreign and hostile non-white influence. And as a result, the White race has seemingly grown terminally ill.


And beyond there being an immune deficiency syndrome, there also seems to be an autoimmune condition taking place: Our own people simply cannot get enough of fighting each other.

Our own people turn on each other more often than they fight any hostile non-white threat. Even the most healthy and properly functioning cells of the White race, the pro-White individuals, are afflicted by this collective racial autoimmune condition. They simply cannot figure out how to stop attacking each other, when they really ought to be uniting by any means necessary.


Pro-Whites are our race's last hope for the future. Be they White Separatist, White Nationalist, National Socialist, or anything in between. Pro-Whites have to start seeing the reality that there is infinitely more that unites us than divides us. We have to stop dividing based on stupid little trivial differences. Because if we don't, we won't have anything at all to bicker about, because we'll all be extinct.

Time is limited, White people. Don't waste it by letting your ego and your emotions get in the way of uniting and serving the greater good.

White people, you decide whether our race lives or dies. You alone decide whether or not our race goes into eternal slavery, eternal extinction. Or whether it takes back its collective freedom and its collective racial destiny.


  1. Sensational essay. It was like reading a much longer version of one of your brilliant tweets. In order for our people to successfully fight infectious diseases like cultural Marxism, communism, and moral relativism, most white people must first recognize that the infections exist at all, that they are indeed infections. This is where white nationalists come in, to shine a bright light on things that our enemies would prefer remained in the dark until it is much too late for us to do anything about them. (From @JohnNotnofx on Twitter. Please let our people on Twitter know that I was locked out of my account early on 10/29/18, and that I'm having trouble getting back into my account. And keep up the excellent work for us.)

  2. Very interesting. I've been supporting a movement recently that's pro white but had drawn lines of division between themselves and other pro whites on the basis of religion and ideology. But I think now after reading this and other things you've written I see the need for true unity.

  3. Flip the narrative
    I like to say that I love history, culture, art, music and world travel. In 1000 years I want to visit Japan and experience the traditional & very distinctive culture, foods, dress, traditions, culture. Same as China, India.

    Western cultures will be destroyed along with western values!!

    Where will white Europeans go if they want to visit their homeland? Someone please show me.

  4. I would Like to share here this

    Friday, January 27, 2017
    Switzerland: Core of the New World Order

    on endofwesternciv.blogspot

    A very Eye Opener Regarding The International order and It's Elite .

    EYESPY channel :

    there is others but i will post them later , this is a sample

  5. Your essay points to a way for White men and women to save their inheritance do it can be passed to future generations. This is the struggle, the fight we are engaging now. Differences must be put aside if we want our kind to survive. To the preservation of ourc we must face the challenges with strength, hope, and courage.

  6. Your argument about the infectious deseas is one that can be applied to every culture, whatever race it may be. The need for preservation of one’s culture it is something I can agree with. In the same way we protect our families. If every culture and race thought in the same manner there would be no problem of “extinction”. Historically, we can see how Europeans abandoned they idea of keeping the white race intact. If they ever had that idea or simply operated within their culture (which ironically has its own sublevels). Many European created families with the local population in the New World and any other colonized country. I would prefer to base my measure of compatibility in religion rather than race, since a race without the a god is prone to stop following the True North. While I don’t consider all religions the same, all poses glimpses of truth and only one can be absolutely true. No group of people is perfect and tribal type of war has always existed. Even within the so called races. We witness that between India or African tribes and among European countries. All seek power. Therefore we cannot blame race but culture or ideology. What is then the infectious desease? We can be nationalist regardless of our race…we can mandate everyone to marry within their race or we can hate our neighbors because we fear marrying one of our daughters but the moment we become radical we lose our freedom to love and be loved. Ideologically, our circle of people will limit us in the worst way and will case eventually lead us to an internal struggle even among an all white society. Your blog makes for an interesting conversation. You can find people that may think like you but even then you can’t find anyone that thinks exactly like you. Unless you brainwash people. At which point you become a tyrant. Only in the next life you will find the perfection you are seeking and if any of us make it race will never be a problem. DOMINUSTECUM

  7. Very insightful and inspiring words. Thank you for your work, I enjoyed reading it.
